Whether your little one is the world's greatest living room performer or an expert sandbox engineer, she's constantly curious and always on the go! The early years of your child's life are a critical time to support growing bones and developing joints. It cannot be overstated the effect proper footwear has during the early years of your child's development.
Fact 2:In the first 10 years, your child's foot will grow a total of about 6-inches.
The greatest changes will occur in the first 3 years of life.
Fact 3:Your child's feet are subjected to enormous stress not typically experienced by the average adult foot. In fact, the stress on a child's foot can be 3 times the stress experienced by adult feet. Our shoes are designed with padded footbeds to absorb this stress.
Fact 4:Your child's bone structure will be fully developed in the first 24 months of life.
Fact 5: Your baby's feet will grow faster during his first three years of life than at any other time in his life. That's why it is recommended that your baby's shoes be checked every 3 months from age 1 to age 3 to make sure that the shoes are the proper size!
Fact 6: Your baby's foot contains more cartilage than bone. That's why children shoes come in various widths so the shoe does not restrict your child's normal foot growth.
Fact 7: Your baby's foot arch is not fully developed for the first two years of life.
Many children's arches are not completely developed until puberty.
You may see at various times that your child's foot turns in or out, or may pronate due to the fact that the foot arch has not fully developed. In order to protect your child, good athletic shoes with appropriate arch supports, padded collars and footbeds, and good heel counters are recommended from ages
3 and older to protect your child from injury during their peak playing years.
Fact 8:The toes on your baby's feet are proportionally longer than an adult's.
Fact 9: Your baby's foot perspires two to three times the rate of an adult. We highly recommend cotton socks be worn and changed once during the middle of the day to reduce the chance of a foot fungus.
During these critical years of development and activity, the design, construction, and fitting of children's shoes require special skill and attention. Many medical practitioners believe that the majority of adult foot problems stem from poor foot and shoe experiences over the course of a child's developmental years. Therefore, it is critical that proper shoe selection be made in these early years.
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